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We have gained broad experience in the design and production of machines for a wide variety of products, and a wide variety of packaging needs. And even if you are looking for turnkey projects, you have come to the right place! We have successfully implemented many projects at home and abroad.

Abracad operates internationally. We have offices  in Norway, Italy, Poland, US, Russia and the Middle East. We work with system integrators in Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Poland, Russia, Ukraine & Spain all with customer-specific machines. In Italy, for example, we have a high-speed turnkey line that fills packed and weighed chocolate in a 2 or 4-mix (150 boxes per minute).

Or take our apple bag counter, supplied to a fruit company in the U.S. For this customer, which is typical for North America, two things are of vital importance: processing speed and accuracy. It always needs to be faster. The apple slicing machine has a capacity of two times 205 bags per minute. But perhaps even more important is the precision. You cannot afford errors in these industries, otherwise you will be slapped with liability suits. Our machine always puts the exact number of bags in a box, no more and no less.

Abracad: ‘takes packaging to a higher level’