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Mission and Vision

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Our vision: 'take packaging to a higher level'.

Our engineers are experts in their respective fields with a relentless passion for developing innovative packaging solutions. We receive orders for one-of-a-kind machines that need to be conceptualised from the ground up. With an experienced team of technicians, together with the customer we build the most efficient and innovative machines. Our core values are processing speed, accuracy, robustness, reliability and total cost of ownership (TCO).Values which will become increasingly important in the years ahead as the food and packaging industries necessarily move towards more automated processes. It is just a matter of time before such investments will be made.

Abracad designs and manufactures machines and provides the technology, equipment and software necessary for processing fish, meat, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, candy and soap. But it doesn't stop there. We also make sure that all the ingredients for a dinner salad, for example, are added in the right amounts to the package in question: up to and including the sauce or dressing pouch.

Abracad: ‘takes packaging to a higher level’